Samstag, 20. Februar 2010


black gammon roll (AW10-AC-01)
shiny + matt leather, felted wool, pleather

The 24buttons and 2 dices are packaged in the integrated zip-case.

beany hat (AW10-AC-02)

leather hat (AW10-AC-03)
goatleather, woolrib

double gloves (AW10-AC-04)
goatleather, woolgloves
leathergloves covering removable woolgloves

blanket scarf (AW10-AC-05)
wool, cotton, leather

drape for various looks

hooded scarf (AW10-AC-06)
superwool "taglio vivo" , leather application

cut scarf (AW10-AC-07)
superwool "taglio vivo", leather application

scarfed bag (AW10-AC-08)
wool, linen, leather

huge euter bag (AW10-AC-10)
calf leather integrated small pocket

little big bag (AW10-AC-09)
felted wool, leather, pleather
3 + 1 pocket, 2 zips

leather necklace (AW10-AC-11)
soft goat leather